Sunday, 30 March 2014

Stay there! I'm coming with new ideas in my blog!

The most of my time I spend by reading other's architecture and design blogs and sites. So by saying that I mean that I am realized how architecture and other blog should look like or what notes or ideas and articles should appear in the blogs. 
Sooo lets make this article a start of new inspiration! 

In the past I posted the articles that I found in other blogs but now I'm going to post more articles or short posts which have been created by me. But it doesn't mean that I am not going to share interestings things I found and you haven't. Don't worry!

  1. GET A BLOG. If you don't have a blog yet, get it! At this time I know only two famous blogging sites: Wordpress and Blogger (my choice). 
  2. CHOOSE A TOPIC. Pick a topic that you are interested in and what do you want to share with other people. Show them how you really like it!
  3. HASHTAG. In every your article put hashtags. It will help for people who are looking in searching sites such as: Google. Thats how they will find your blog by your hashtags.
  4. LINKS. Put some links into your blog which will direct your blog followers to other sites, similiar topics as you writting.
  5. STAY ON TOPIC. If you are blogging about architecture(the same as me) then stay on blogging about architecture. If you going to start blogging about music in architecture's blog then you will lose your blog's followers because they chose your blog to read because it's interesting what you are putting in it.
  6. MAKE YOUR BLOG UNIQUE. Make your posts something that you can't find in other blogs. Change format or style. Also try to organize your post, it will be better for you and more interesting for your blog's readers.
  7. PROMOTE YOUR BLOG. Share your blog with other people in sites such as: Facebook; Twitter; Google+... Maybe you will find people in your friend circle who are interested in things that you are.
  8. UPDATE. don't forget to update your blog! You can have a break 2 or 3 days, but you have to update your blog with new posts even if they are short.
  9. TAKE A BREAK. Take a break a few days and then come back with new ideas and inspiration!
Here we go! Tried to make 10 bullet points but I have 9 inspirational points. I hope it will helps you!