Saturday, 12 July 2014

London Festival of Architecture 2014/ Bartlett School Summer Show 2014

Hello everybody, so I decided to write a short blog post about the festival of architecture. The idea behind this blog post is that - I was thinking about some architecture competitions I could participate in and accidently I found the article about London Festival of Architecture 2014. 
London Festival of Architecture 2014, includes many of exhibitions, open studios, student shows, and tours. So I marked the events in my calendar I want to go to and there were about 6 exhibitions all together, but I had the opportunity to visit only one of the events. It was Bartlett School of Architecture: Bartlett Summer Show 2014. 

So, a bit more informtion about London Festival of Architecture 2014: 
"The London Festival of Architecture features debates, exhibitions, film screenings, walks, cycle rides, open studios and family events which focus on the importance of architecure and design in London today. An active pragramme of architectural installations and interventions provoke questions about the future life of the city and promotes positive change to the city's public realm."

Bartlett School of Architecture: The Bartlett Summer Show 2014


The reason why I picked this exhibition or I should call it 'show' is, because I heard about this school before and now I got an opportunity to visit an exhibition with student works from that school. 
People around the globe, travelling to London to Bartlett School Summer Show just to look at the student works. It didn't really make sense for me until I went there. Those all models, designs, drawings, sketches and multimedia instalations were just 'wow'. 
The exhibition showcases the works of over 500 students with a really high quality of skills and creativity, it shows a really high quality of teachers, staff and tutors teaching skills, knowledge, research and work methods.
The Bartlett School's annual Summer Show attracts over 5000 visitors in eight days and over 10 000 visitors all together and forms a key event in the UK architectural calendar.

After the visit at the Bartlett School Summer Show, every single thing that I saw in there, answered my question: "Why people around the world travelling long distances just to look at the student works?".  Because it's worth it to see how students, young students can create a design with really high quality of skills.


Whilst I was at Bartlett School Summer Show, I got scared. I got scared because all the things I saw made me realize how skillful, creative and accurate you have to be in architecture. Let it be a reminder that I just need to work on those things.
So that would be all on this blog post, to find out more about Bartlett School of Architecture go to -